
Given the world's hurricane and earthquake disasters I'll not complain about the weather here. Our raindrops are good for the garden anyway and enhance my colchicum.

*option to stop here to avoid reading rant*

Still super busy... but just a few more weeks...then it will calm down after the District night hike (700 people, local) and Peak Assault (650 in Snowdonia).

Scouts tonight were dreadful. Really it's one boy in particular who's had far too many chances in my opinion. He's disengaged and disruptive and rude. He requires 1:1 supervision and then he usually does surprisingly well. So its not that he can't do the activities, it's that he doesn't want to. Why he comes I don't know. We've all tried very hard to work with him but he dominates the meetings and spoils it for those who want to complete the activities but can't because of this boy. Numbers are dropping because of it and tonight, as another two were mucking about as well, I gave them all a piece of my mind. It was in a very controlled manner I might add, but it's got to stop, or I'll move on.

The thing is I'm super busy with County Walking Team events for Girlguiding, I'm running a Guide unit alternate weeks now, currently Scouts every week and helping at Senior Section every week this half term getting them ready for Peak Assault. In addition there's District, Division and County meetings, trainings and I'm a new leader mentor. And I've been asked to open a new Explorer unit, which I had to say no to. Frankly it's too much, so if I'm not enjoying running scout meetings, they will be ditched! Harsh but it's voluntary work and, as I can't do it all, I might as well pick the ones that leave me buzzing as I was on Tuesday night after Senior Section.

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