Light & sight

By CameronDP

Danny boy

This caught my eye this evening on the way in to see you 'Looper' at the local fleapit. I am by no means a massive James Bond fan but I am quite looking forward to this. I have quite liked both DC's previous outings as 007, even the stripped-to-the-bone bleakness of 'Quantum of Solace' which many people hated. Danny boy brings a brooding, explosive intensity to the role which seems to suit the character very well. I think for the character of James Bond to have any credibility he has to look a little bit dangerous, a bit of a bruiser, like someone who could kill you if they needed to. So many previous screen Bonds have gone for the languid lounge lizard approach to the role and that just never worked to me. Someone with a 'license to kill' has to be a bit of a thug, let's face it. Pierce Brosnan started well but he was always too well manicured and his films quickly got bogged down in invisible cars and John Cleese cameos.
I have heard rumours that Daniel Craig has a house in nearby Knaresborough, possibly even close to the suspiciously-named Bond End. The story goes that he drives a car with '007' numberplate, but I have never seen him stocking up on cornflakes in Tescos or having a swift half in the local hostelry, so I cannot vouchsafe for the veracity of these rumours.

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