Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

A new "knittie"

Ugh! Selfies are so last week! Now we all need knitties or crafties.
Here I am down at Geelong waterfront "sort of" watching my charges on bungy trampolines, and getting to grips with the shawl that I am knitting using a silk/merino cobweb!
The border pattern is just about complete, and then the slog of transforming a very long strip of knitted lace into a triangular shawl will begin.
Spot the "suddenly summer" clothes as Geelong swelters in 22C heat after months of shivering around 10 to15C. Not Artic, but damp and miserable.
Sadly, it won't last long, so everyone was making the most of the lovely day.

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