My Great Success Story

By SavvyStereo

New Species...

... for me anyway. I can't claim to be an expert (or even amateur) naturalist (that is the not-naked on, right?) but I don't know what this is so I'm claiming a new species. Haven't bothered googling but then I wouldn't be sure what to google; "antlered, winged, large eyed, spindly legged, pincer jawed devil bug thing"?

Just googled it, didn't work: new species.

I started today with an awesome large breakfast in 'Spoons with Courtney, my sister, her friend dad and mum; didn't even have to pay!

Courtney and I then went cricket hunting for her dissertation where I made my aforementioned and photographed scientific discovery.

Then after some golf in Basingstoke (scored 44!) we went home past Tesco to grab some bunny chow ingredients and cooked a huge meal for the family. It's quite cheap actually and crazy filling; might have to become a regular this year along with my homemade pizza.

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