Busy bee

A mixed day of many things......this morning we did some drawer sorted and packing. Then we had rugby to watch at midday....All Blacks v Argentina 53-15 a real ribbing, but then we are the world champions and should play like it.

A visit this afternoon from T after lunch with his "bag of tricks" :) we did the garden walk to get our blips by stalking the bees in the tree peony and the blossom. I will be interested what he blips....there were plenty but kinda allusive. Take a look - Same bee!!

T if you read this, my backup after almost 3 hours is 30% done....gulp!!! Thanks lots, you are a great mate :)

My grateful thanks to such a lot of you for the amazing response to yesterday's piece of softness.....it didn't quite make it to no 1......beaten by a hedgehog curtesy of bikerbear...haha.

Monday tomorrow, and I don't have to go to work...whoop whoop.


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