Footprints made by Izzy

By IzzyandME

{happy face}

Who would have thought that this beautiful child reduced me to tears with her awful tantrums last night. All she does is cry non stop from about 4pm or if its a school day them 3.15pm until bedtime! I know it's just because she is completely shattered from being in full time education but that really doesn't makei t easier!
I keep thinking why did people tell me that the newborn stage was the hardest time of your life!?! It was the easiest!! And i'm sure as she gets older the worries and tantrums will only get harder to deal with!!

But anyway I come home from work this morning to this beautiful innocent full of love face. I love her to bits, she is my world.

In other news Izzy is doing fantastic at school. She has made friends and joins in activites. Orders her own lunch by entering it on the computer and sending it to the kitchen and she has lots of her work displayed on the walls at school!!
She has learnt to pray and told me she prayed for happiness and toys at school!! haha, she knows what the harvest festival is, her new favourite song is "the frog song" (and we all know the frogs go traa la la la, traaa la la la, traaaa la la la!!) She writes her name quite well now and her general confidence has grown, I am very proud and we are only 2.5 weeks into school!

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