Just out of church

Not us, the group of villagers in centre shot... which means that I should have already been to the bakers. There's no point in my going for about twenty minutes now because the shop will be full.

Well I left it for twenty minutes, and then walked round to the next street to find that the shop was still full. Never mind it's good listening practice. I wanted some eggs as well as bread but she didn't have any today, so that's the end of the Yorkshire pudding.

We've moved to the village house this morning for a while, I'm not sure for how long, maybe weeks, maybe months. Yesterday we had a lot of rain which was great because there's now quite a bit in the cisterna at the Mas, but the downside is that the track is now very muddy indeed.

It's ok at the village house, there's more space, more comfortable chairs, a better kitchen and all our stuff is in one place. The big downside, particularly for me because I do most of the dog-walking, is that I can't just open the door when Jasper wants to go outside because the only outside space is a roof terrace four floors up. I shall have to take him for his usual long walk in the morning, then out again for a short one just after lunch and then another walk in the evening. Hopefully Steve will come with us in the evening, but it will depend how much physical work he's done that day i.e. how his knees are.

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