I Wish Racism Would End ...

Kieran was sitting at the table this morning writing a piece for his Drama Lesson for today, I asked him What was he writing about?", he said "Racism, we are doing this in drama at the moment".

I asked him if I could have a read, it was so touching to read and very powerful, Kieran had written about a person who was scared and upset as everyday he stood at the bus stop waiting to catch the bus for work he was picked on about the colour of his skin.

I was really pleased with the way Kieran had handled the piece of writing, it was such a powerful written piece ( I should think you can read most of it), I asked Kieran "Is this what the teacher wrote and you had to copy it ?", No Mum I wrote this myself, this piece of writing had already got a tear into my eye, but I even got a bigger one when I realised that Kieran had wrote these words from his own feelings. They are acting these parts out in drama today.

I wish Racism, War and Hunger would end, this would be a better world to live in.

Well Done Kieran, this is a brilliant piece of written work

Love You Lots

Mum xxx


Eric has got the car working, woo hoo, it was a completely dead battery, just had to replace it with a new one.

Going to my Creative Close Up Course this evening, I will catch up with commenting when I get home.

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