Krista, candid

I know this isn't the best photo, but there's something I like about it.  It was warm enough to sit in the garden to eat lunch.  I was trying to get a photo of the colour in the clouds and didn't change the settings before I took a quick shot of Krista about to flip her hair out of her face.  It's so wonderful to have her with us, even if only for a couple of days.
Our neighbour returns from his month long trip this Wednesday.  We've been looking after his place and decided to have a bit of fun.  He has some wild rose bushes that were planted a few years ago and have never produced flowers, so I bought some artificial roses and we twist-tied a few on.  The extra is Krista, "smelling the roses".  He also had a solitary plant, a spider plant, in his house that I always watered in the past when he was away.  It died over the winter.  So...I bought some plastic spiders, and G got a branch with some nice shoots and stuck it in styrofoam in a plant pot and put rocks all around it.  Krista and I hung the spiders with thread from the shoots and she added bug stickers to the plant pot.
Voilà - an everlasting spider plant.
We went to Auntie Pesto's for dinner, had a wander around town, talked to a young couple (he was from France, she from Quebec), then came home, watched a couple of Seinfeld episodes, and that was the day.

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