A day in the life

By neacail

#10 Broadway Casino - Birmingham

Sadly I've not won a BAFTA, and it has no relevance to Birmingham, I just couldn't resist using Joe's BAFTA award as a backdrop for this shot, from last nights home game.


This chip is from the Broadway casino which is part of a pretty new leisure development not far from the centre of Birmingham. Its a big casino spread over one floor with maybe 25 poker tables. Since switching casinos from Bristol to Birmingham Broadway, I've been on a bit of a hot streak down there.
My achilles heel with poker has always been cash poker, I'm basically crap at it, but the lure of the cash tables after a tournament dusting is always tempting. I tend to do OK playing tournaments every year but always a net loss on the cash tables.
As the Broadway is open till 7am in the morning, even if I have a decent run in a tournament and finish at 2 or 3 in the morning theres still hours left to play at the cash tables, and if I'm down there its always meeting up with Cic who is never one for going home if there is a game still running.
I always seem to run really well when down there, once when I was down I picked up £600 after doing a chop with some of the other players at the final table, I then left the cash tables with a decent stack of chips, went to cash up all the £5 chips and put the last £3 of loose chips onto 0 on the roulette and boom! I really should move here.

Venue:Broadway Casino - Birmingham
Year: 2010 to present
Tournament Success:Quite a bit
Cash Game Success: Remarkably Good!
Summary:1st class casino, really well run, get big fields for tournaments so tends to be a lot of prize money for the weekend games. The brummies are a friendly lot, I'd say this is one of my favorite Casinos in the UK, and not just because run good here...

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