Surprise Blipmeet!

It's always good to meet up in person with blip-persons that one has followed for years......We only discovered at short notice that NannaK and H were going to be in town today, so we nipped up the road to meet them and have a daunder around the Portrait Gallery. (Think we all agreed on John Byrne's portrait of Tilda Swinton - what a cracker!). Shandonner came to join us at even shorter notice. And then there's something about a critical mass of Blippers - who should we see crossing the road by the gallery but (lapsed) blipper dwalletta!  We eventually left the visitors at the Mound, with a surfeit of galleries and gallery buses to chose from.

The dazzling autumn light caught the freize of ancient kingly people in the Portrait gallery just so.....I didn't get a decent shot of the assembled blippers, but others will have done. The extra is just to show that they were all there (all looking in different directions!).

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