As Promised...

By aspromised

Messy monster

A chilled day catching up on washing, cleaning and resting when Angus allowed! I was quite organised and oven baked some carrots and sweet potato sticks for Angus tomorrow. I have found weaning a bit scary and feel like iv been muddling through it a bit! Like not being sure what times and how much to give? Angus is now having something at lunchtime and dinnertime.. he is quite obvious when he's had enough which is good!

He had a later nap today (until 4) and missed his 6ish power nap which i have been hoping to cut out to see if it affects bedtime sleeping! He went down at 7.45ish..So will let you know the verdict tomorrow!

Taste of the day: spinach pea and kale puree which he really enjoyed, banana wafers and avocado pieces. Then for the teatime something he had more avocado, scooped straight from the skin! He mostly fed himself :)

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