
By Doingok

More Rooflines

Just took a little walk at lunch time and this is what I found.  I like the diversity of the old and new and especially like when the old is made new again.  There is a lot of history here and in a lot of ways this city is making history in good ways and in bad ways too.  But then I think that is the case in many cities, even one as small as Manchester, NH (100,000 population). I really like primary (election) time when you get to meet the candidates in restaurants, parks and town halls.  I especially dislike that this city is #1 in the country for per capita deaths by overdose and that treatment is so hard to find.  That's changing as more centers for helping people are opening, but such a long way to go. I especially like that the mighty Merrimack River runs through and is the home to the fish who come to lay their eggs as they pass through and that there are viewing rooms to watch as it happens.  There are great nature trails and reservoirs.  The restaurants downtown are great and the New Hampshire Institute of Art and Currier Museum bring some opportunity for some great art shows.  

Didn't really mean for this to sound like a travel brochure, just some thoughts on a hot and steamy September day.  

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