Fun in the Fens

By Jimbofin


Colin isn't the easiest of subjects. He only stops still when asleep, when he has his head buried in the food bowl, or when he enters a blissful state of Nirvana when being tickled under his right front paw. And he never stops still when he's out of the cage, which is wise given the number of cats and dogs about.

Like all the animals he's been restless today. I think it is that sort of day.Not quite ominous or portentous but one of those edge days when it is best not to do anything critical, just in case.

I've spent most of it in the library and the attic trying to clear a path to Winter clothing and trying to write a couple of presentations for which the deadlines are definitely at the looming stage.

Up early tomorrow for another roundabout trip to Munich via Düsseldorf. My normal direct flight will be full of businessmen feigning ignorance about knowing that the Oktoberfest is on.

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