These are not flowers...

...but 10 fat juicy yellow raspberries on my raspberry bush. I had these for tea today...and there look like another lot ripening for tomorrow...

Still practicing with this SketchClub App to do my challenge to myself of a pic every day in 2017. I use my finger (or the side of my finger or hand, sometimes I have the capacitive gloves on if my hands are cold that day) to draw, and this is drawn on my small phone screen.

The drawing with the text bit is a bit different and the size of the words seems to depend on how I use my hand on the screen...still working this one out. Popeye has been contentedly asleep on my lap as I am sitting by the window with the last of the day’s sun flickering through the leaves....we did have a few torrential rainstorms throughout the day...

Thanks for everyone who looks in, comments, and thanks for the recent stars and faves. Happy weekend x

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