A calming rose…

To soothe away the stresses of the day…

Please don't feel the need to read what follows, just getting things off my chest...

And what a day it’s been! Have spent the day making calls to all and sundry, trying to provide long distance support to my parents who arrived at Bristol Airport at 7am this morning, only to find that their flight to Amsterdam had been cancelled (not Ryanair!). Eventually they were rebooked onto a different airline to get them to their final destination of Nuremberg, via Frankfurt. But… they had to take a taxi up to Heathrow! Thankfully paid for by the airline!!

But the problems didn’t end there. At Bristol they’d been told to take a taxi to Terminal 5, but on their arrival they were told they should’ve been at Terminal 2! I received a very stressed phone call from my Mum to say that it had been a nightmare getting to Terminal 2, she couldn’t go into details as she’d had to borrow a phone to call me as her phone had died!  But I know it would’ve been a real struggle for them with all their luggage, both in their 80s and my Dad awaiting a knee replacement. Thankfully once they got to Terminal 2, the airport assistance that I’d booked was able to help them get to the plane.

But… their flight was delayed by 45 mins, leaving them only 19 mins to make their transfer in Frankfurt onto the last flight of the day to Nuremberg! With no mobile phone, I haven’t been able to talk to them since they arrived at Heathrow, so I’m sat here waiting to find out whether or not they made it onto their river cruise boat before it set sail!

Sorry about all that, it’s just been so frustrating sitting here and not being able to help or contact them… Strange how life turns around and it’s the children who start worrying about the parents! Time to go, I think it’s definitely wine o’clock!!

UPDATE: In spite of Mum having a fall at Heathrow, they finally arrived onboard at 7.45pm, 13 hours after leaving home! Phew, now I can relax...

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