Nice Pair...

Oops, there's only one!

This is the closest I've ever come to not blipping, excuses as follows in no particular order:

1. Ryder Cup
2. Forgot camera
3. Didn't go anywhere apart from B&Q to buy a/some hose
4. Ryder Cup
5. Forgot camera
6. Sorting out stuff on computer - for hours
7. Ryder Cup
8. Cooking.... and then I saw this.

In other news, look how clean my hob is.

In extra news, does anybody else find Downton Abbey boring? I love the setting, the costumes and all the blah, blah, blah, but....

It is so slow, the upper crust even talk slowly with a total lack of intonation, cadence and emotion.... they are anally retentive if you ask me - which you didn't but ....

Sorry for upsetting 50% of blippers - I'll accept any unsubscribing ungracefully.

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