
By miel

s z i g e t

This week I finally removed my Sziget wristband (from left to right here: my wristbands of this year and last year, my citypass-wristbands of both years, the spa discount-booklet and my 2 pay cards from both years). I kept it on as a reminder of the good times there... though I have to admit that the Jägermeister I could win if I would keep it on longer than my friends was also a good motivation :D .
In fact the homesickness I felt in the first week after returning has ended quite some time and I've now come to terms with us not going again next year, for a third edition.
I still think the festival is extremely good however, really a must-do.
Some reviews, for those who care:
http://myfestivalworld.com/77-festivals/hongarije/sziget-festival-nieuws/533-sziget-festival-2012-nabeschouwing-1-2 (for those who read Dutch, pt. 1)
http://myfestivalworld.com/77-festivals/hongarije/sziget-festival-nieuws/534-sziget-festival-2012-nabeschouwing-2-2 (for those who read Dutch, pt. 2- this is the best/longest review)

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