Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Fall is happening

Woke up this morning to a light cool 5am!   I was hoping to sleep longer since I did all that driving yesterday!    But my internal clock said get up after 6 hours of sleep!      The rain is gone now and the sun is trying to come out with a supposedly cooler day per the weatherman.   I am thinking it might just be humid but not so hot!

This little leaf was on the deck rail.  Apparently the wind blew a good bit sometime yesterday and last night as the deck and yard have plenty of leaves that I will have to remove!   

Have a good weekend!   There is an free art and music festival going on in Columbia (30 minutes from me) that I may go take a look at!  My younger son lives close to this area so I might go give him and DIL a hug before I head out west in a week.    

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