Cat in a Bowl

This is Nelson. He is Colin's house cat. He's getting on a bit, at least 16 years old I think. He's almost as big as Basil.

Just lately, he's developed a penchant for resting in the washing up bowl in Colin's kitchen.

A sunny morning, and Basil and I walked to the church coffee morning. I was able to leave several empty jam jars ready for Judeth to fill up with jam and marmalade. 

As Colin hadn't been there, Basil and I walked back along the jitty and down Freehold Street to visit him.

Josie had just brought him back from St Joseph's tea room, that's the Catholic lot, where they had seen several members of the St Botolph's congregation, including the vicar.

Two cups of tea and a good chinwag later, we returned home snatching this shot of Nelson on the way.

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