
By olib

Raita for 60

CB and I helped prepare a meal for the Community Canteen today. This happens about monthly; a meal is prepared by volunteers from, if possible, local and Fairtrade ingredients, vegetarian, and folk come and pay what they like to support a worthy cause. Today was an Indian meal, one element of which was cucumber raita. CB worthily grated cukes on the most lethal grater I've ever seen without grazing her knuckles - certificate of commendation to her! - and then had to squeeze the result as though she was wringing the washing!

The menu, which you are dying to know, was a spiced potato and cauliflower thingy, a sort of chickpea stew, the aforementioned raita, and an Indian bread a bit like chapattis, made with leavened dough and deep fried. Also garnishes of chilli and spring onion.

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