sunday stroll... a parking lot

yup... the funniest place ever - for 2 black ravens (i think) to be... i was cruising through and heard them first - squawking away... then saw them - in the middle of the lane... immediately pulled over - snap, snap... they weren't impressed with me or whatever i had to say - they were on a mission to finding food... i didn't have any so they kept moving... it appeared one of them may have been injured as he was hopping a bit - but they were so big - so flighty with their wings and all, i wasn't going to have a chance of getting near them to find out for sure... didn't matter, though - right after i caught this shot of the 2 of them side-by-side... up they went - in a flurry of active wing span... i managed to get them in flight - but decided i liked this companionable stroll the best... because of what it represents - how we all need to have someone to walk with us - stand by us in life - be there for us - no matter what - 'cuz that makes for...


happy day.....

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