
The long awaited 1st October came with its referendum on independence. I can't do justice to all the pros and cons relating to it here except to say it's been a miserable a day all round from the incessant rain to the sight of local citizens being bloodied by the feet, batons or rubber bullets of local policemen. It should never have come to this and the referendum, no matter the result, cannot be interpreted in any meaningful way. The pros may say it was a big success if they win and the no's will say they stayed away from an illegal vote so nothing can be read into the result.

For what it's worth, my view is that if there is a genuinely convincing groundswell of public opinion for independence then a vote should be agreed by the government and the decision respected (putting a 60% majority requirement).

I don’t think there was a genuine groundswell in Catalunya of sufficient weight, rather a rickety one-seat type overall majority of a very rickety coalition who forced the pace.

Whether the present circumstances will help create a genuine groundswell I don't know....it may. Whatever, I think states should be wary of letting major decisions be made as a result of tiny majority swings.

I am tired after another long day of work and still not feeling right, so hardly a brilliant analysis....if there's any line I follow in this one, it is that of the Financial Times.

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