
I've been working on a spreadsheet over the last week to do with my Mum's finances, costs, funding to be found, projected out over the next five years.
It feels in a megalomaniacal way as if I can now predict the future.

It reminds me of a time in my Cornish years working late into the night on grant applications with huge colour-coded spreadsheets. At some very late hour in a Newlyn office that reeked of the fish processing next door and the fish market clanging away down the road my old mate Kevin and I reckoned that we could predict what I would be doing as Chief Exec of Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change in five years time to the day and the hour.

Of course, it never worked out quite like we expected. But having lots of linked Excel worksheets that can be changed and worked through by changing one cell gives a sense of being some sort of Merlinesque financial wizard. Very dangerous. But compelling.

The photo is the reflection of stuff in the mirrored oven door our Fiz kitchen that was much to the liking of Signore Tozzi.

Breaking news: one of The Boss' new colleagues has for some reason misunderstood my name as Rodney...RODNEY! I'll be answering to Del Boy next.

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