
By Wildwood

Country Life

OilMan and I woke up this morning smiling about our amazing experience with the high rollers last night. The newspaper was full of stories about the "world class venue", the "rock star of the classical world" and the illustrious guests. It was nice to see that right here in farm country we could have had such an experience. I thought today's blip, taken right down the road was the perfect counterpoint to our glittering evening. We left our $5 and took a dozen lovely eggs. This really is God's country.

On Friday we looked at a house that was probably as close as we'll ever come to finding the perfect place. We continue to try to make up our minds whether to keep doing what we're doing or move permanently to Sonoma County--a choice which we find impossible to make, and which drives everyone we know crazy...we are lucky to have such dilemmas.

#2 son and the grands came up today. The junior entomologist spent hours looking for caterpillars despite the fact that the caterpillars which breed inside the oak galls don't emerge until spring. She found one which spurred her on to look for more. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I thought the one she found was dead, although I don't think it mattered to her. Then we made strawberry ice cream. #3 grandson continues to look at me like I came from an alien planet with the sole purpose of abducting him, but we usually manage to reach detente by the time the day is over.

My hobnobbing with the glitterati, wrangling in my mind over where to live and entertaining the grandchildren has left me ready for bed at 8:30pm. Perhaps I'll just indulge myself despite the fact that I know I'll be wide awake at midnight. I have a good book...

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