Mono Monday : : Entrance

This is the entrance to our house. We don't use it very much because we park in the garage which is perpendicular to the house on the right, and take the steep grubby stairs up to the laundry room. It isn't a very impressive way to enter the house but is definitely the most direct.

I think the entrance to the house says a lot about it as well as the people within. We love to have visitors and guests and I think this entrance, broad stairs with two glass doors at the top says that. Here, if you are interested is a link to something I wrote on  entrances not long after we moved.

We visited the Frank Lloyd Wright home and studio years ago in Oak Park, Illinois, a neighborhood containing many homes he had designed. It was said that mail and delivery people went crazy trying to find some of his 'hidden entrances'. I can't help wondering what kind of person would want to live in a house with an entrance that isn't easy to locate.

I thought I would document this entrance today, because we will be getting a new door next month. It will be quite a drastic change from this one but I hope still welcoming....

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