
By RosInAus

So That's Why It's Called 'Rain Forest'

It has rained for 17 hours straight and is only just abating. What began as a genteel sprinking settled into a firm determined soaking accompanied by blustery winds and 14C temperatures. Yes! In Queensland's spring! So chilly when the forecast was for 24C. It was accompanied by the infamous Maleny mist which meant you could see for about 2 metres and no further.

So I did a heap of computer work - then as I was going stir-crazy by early afternoon and as the mist was gone (it was still pouring), drove carefully into town for groceries and blipopportunies.

I decided against various pics involving umbrellas and spray from car tyres. Instead, here's one of my favourite palm trees which sits near the Obi Obi River. I think it's either a King Palm or an Alexandra palm. This exuberant bunch of 'pearls' is one of the tree's flower fronds which later in the season will appear even more bead-like. You may be able to make out the tiny droplets of rain which I think make it look quite bejewelled.

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