Looking Nort fae da Hoose

It's been a windy day, but a sunny morning.  After lunch it started to rain, and showers continued the rest of the day.  

After breakfast, it was time to get to work on the house.  While we were away, the path lights were stolen, so a new flood light has been installed and hopefully not break my legs on the path during the winter!  It was a fine day to get the guest room sorted, and it's looking good.  I managed to get two loads of washing done too.  Picked up niece Elise from school, and dropped her off at mam's.  Mam and Elise popped by after tea, and then I'm off to work in the pub later. 

It's just a quick snap from my garden.  I found myself fairly busy all day, and never managed a right snap.  So it's looking north, onto my neighbour Cathie, and up to Carina and Mark.  Fine to see the sunshine and a bit of blue sky today.  Taken at Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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