O is for.....

......Orange tulips creating a stunning splash of colour for October.

Lovely to stroll through the Christchurch Botanic Gardens this morning with blippers mpp26 and walkingS. It was calm and mostly overcast which kept the shades vibrant. School holiday fun saw groups of children running through the gardens on some sort of discovery trail while other's enjoyed kayaking on the Avon.

Shades of green were fresh and vibrant as ferns unfurled and hosta's broke the ground. Splashes of colour greeted us on every corner, azalea's and rhododendron's in flower along with some early old fashioned roses, loved the rockery with soft pinks and white's mingling with vibrant pink's and blue's, it really was picturesque.

The image is looking towards the Canterbury Museum with a statue of William Sefton Moorehouse, superintendent of Canterbury Province in the 1850's and 60's, on the left.

Thanks M for a wonderful time and to my mum for joining us, I can see we'll be back as there is so much to enjoy.

Wide Angle Wednesday theme for October is a word starting with letters O or R or 10 items, thanks to BobsBlip for hosting.

Wednesday.....just a lovely day at the gardens with two lovely blippers by my side :) 

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