Thank You for the Music!

RIP Tom Petty.

First thing in the morning, I read the sad news about Tom's demise. Actually, it wasn't confirmed yet, but soon it was.

Tom was my second greatest music hero. I found great joy and comfort in his music. I loved the way he could say so much and convey big emotions and great atmospheres with so few words. One of the dozens of obituaries I've read in the 36 hours described his style as "simple and elegant". I guess that's what it simply was. The secret of good lyrics is the ability to express the personal so that it becomes universal and he certainly had that skill.

The weather suited the mood of the morning. It was a rainy day, but luckily it got better towards the evening (not weatherwise though). I had a lunch meeting about a photography deal, and later in the evening joined Leenamaijaand two other members of our photo club to host the visit of Reha Bilir, a Turkish photographer. In the extra, they are in the Näsinneula tower in Tampere.

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