Chilly Cows and Calves

Hailstones this morning - the first of the winter!  They coincided with a visit from our new hen sitter, so there we were looking at the chickies and I was explaining their idiosyncrasies, when the heavens opened.  We got soaked!  It necessitated a pot of coffee and some Hobnobs to thaws us out.  

A is a great poultry/animal lover but sadly is down to just two dogs now, so she jumped at the chance of looking after the hens on an occasional basis.

Despite the weather there were a few folk in the shop in the afternoon.  Lovely couple from North Wales, who I could have happily spent all the time chatting with.  Finally finished the weekend's joint of lamb this evening, making a version of Suleiman's Pilau, with yoghurt, sultanas and lots of rosemary.  It's a handwritten recipe, copied out in the 80's, but I can't for the life of me remember where from!

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