
By RobBris50

A Big Thank You to Ms Miranda

A big thanks to Miranda1008 for agreeing to show her photograph to Endeavour class. This was our fourth entry, but our first monochrome photograph on display. Interestingly, only a couple of pupils said that they were not keen on black and white (I thought there would be more), one pupil even commented that the absence of colour was less distracting,

Many pupils disliked the photograph at first because they felt that the children looked sad. Many of our pupils live in the inner city and were not aware of 'crabbing' . A couple of pupils explained to the others what the children were doing and how it wasn't sadness but perhaps concentration on their faces.

What was most impressive was how one pupil (she needs to get a camera) noted how the foreground was in focus compared to the background and how this effect gives emphasis to the main subjects,. Wow!

I wish they would remember their 'ing' word endings!

Additional photo is of the moon tonight, couldn't resist!

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