A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley

Reflecting on the day. 

Started with some dental problems.
Then no taxi.
Then the lock broke on Beloved's case.
Then delayed special assistance.
Then had to be rescued from the toilet in the airport.
Then 2 minutes to go to take off and we were still in departures waiting for special assistance.
Then the sandwiches ran out.
Then the buses didn't come to get the passengers off the plane.
Then waited an hour for special assistance.
Then picked our cases up from left luggage as everyone had gone home.
Then got in the taxi but couldn't get the wheelchair in.
Then got in another taxi.
Then got home.
Then went to Mams to pick up my car.
Mam can you smell gas?
Then gasman came out.
Then he condemned the gas supply and found a water leak.
Then I phoned the plumber.
Then I did the washing and went to bed.

Welcome home.

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