
By Beewriter

Ooops! I did it again

So....Calumet and Wex Photography have now merged and as part of the merger there are open days at some stores. I received an invite to the Manchester store for today. I decided as it is just near base I would pop along before work. This meant I had to leave home much earlier than usual....not a good move as I had to battle rush hour traffic. It took me so long that I missed out on being one of the first fifty people to get there so I didn't get a voucher for free sensor cleaning. I didn't have time to have a good look, but I did get time to enter the free prize draw for over seven thousand pounds worth of equipment (fingers crossed). I did have time to drool over the Canon lenses, the one I lust after is only £2700. I also now want an A1 Prolight. Ahhh well, one day :)

I was chatting to a woman as I put her needle in and telling her about some of the daft things I did when I had a reception class. I used to inwardly fist pump when one of the boys (it was usually a boy) who slide a hand down their legs to yank up a sock when I was saying how disappointed I was in them after some misdemeanour and that they had 'better pull their socks up'. We laughed about a few other things and then I asked her what job she did and I hoped she wasn't an Ofsted inspector. She wasn't.....but we did guffaw when she said she worked in child protection!

My mouth and my brain were not in synch today at all. When I came across someone called Mr Pursglove I commented on his unusual name. As soon as I spoke I thought 'oops' and said, "Hmmm maybe it goes back to Medieval times".....I think I got away with

I curbed my tongue and nearly made it home until....Steve and I were handing over the blood to Labcoat Lorriane in the Labs and he told her that his father in law had passed away and it is the funeral tomorrow. "Have a good weekend," I said to Lorraine as we were about to leave. "I'm doing a metric marathon," she said. "Ooh good luck" I said, "Knock 'em dead!"  Oh Lordy, wrong choice of words...sigh. 

Well, what is the hamster all about, you are wondering. Or maybe not. Anyway, I saw this hamster and couldn't resist. Whatever you say it mimics the sounds and repeats them in a daft hamster voice. I got it out at the end of the session and it was hilarious....well Janet and I thought it was. One donor was googling it as she wanted one too. Yes, I am that sad! lol

Note to self....think before you speak tomorrow!!

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