George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry

At your peril...

... will you take my toy away from me. 

We was playing toss the toy on the front lawn this afternoon, because she had to de-stress.

SHE was as cross as two sticks I can tell you, and when she's that cross it pays to keep a low profile.  SHE hasn't had time to do ANYTHING except run around after some politician or other, who was going to come to MY garden at OGH to make some sort of announcement or other and we was going to get publicity and EVERYTHING. 

And do you know what?  He cancelled.

I hope he doesn't cross her path in a hurry, or she might say something she shouldn't - which she would regret, because on the whole she's not a rude person.  And in any case he controls the purse strings, and how would it be if he cut off funding because she said something she shouldn't.

SHE said it's like being between a rock and a hard place; whatever that means.  I think it's a human saying that small black dogs don't understand.

Anyway that's why we didn't have time to do any blips for days and days, but hopefully things is back to normal.  I say "hopefully" because you never ever know in this house.

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