The Poss

By PossMan


Was dithering about whether to go on a blip trip and as Mrs P went back to work after lunch it started to rain I more or less decided to stay at home as I have lots to do. A few minutes later the weather cleared and I decided I didn't really have to do any of those things. So decided on a quick visit to Carnac Point. From here you get good views east to the Kessock Bridge and west up the Beauly Firth. Plus a good view of anything leaving/entering the marina or Inverness Harbour. Also from my parking spot got a couple of shots of the Viktoria Viking a Norwegian-flagged fish carrier. Then decided I might as well go the extra few hundred yards to the South Kessock Ferry terminal. As I passed the ramp noticed someone taking pictures of birds so parked and got out PDQ. Saw a cormorant in characteristic wing spread posture with another alongside. Got a few shots from the parking area and then moved onto the ramp and realised there were 5 cormorants in all on the ramp wall and various poles. I went as far down the ramp as I could, it being close to high tide, but the birds seemed to know humans don't like getting their feet wet and didn't budge. But unfortunately didn't do the "wings spread" thing again. Hard to choose which shot to blip but there are other shots of the cormorants on Flickr.

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