
A day of riding. The first day in forever that the wind has dropped and it's forecast to pick back up again overnight FOR FU**S SAKE!!!, so we set out to make the most of the day.

First a ride out on the motorbikes which took us out through Dounby and around to Stromness to catch up with the In-Laws over a cuppa.

After our dog walk, Gorgeous said he'd join me at the horses which I was overjoyed at. More time together  in a week where I feel I haven't seen him enough...and I love seeing him on a horse. Here he is on Billy having a paddle with Hoy as a backdrop.

A bloody nice day. It shall be celebrated with a cider/beer.

Today I have lit the lightbox...I can feel tendrils of SAD reaching out to me, trying to get a grip and drag me down... so I shall batter them with the box of light!

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