
By rubyjones

Lovely old gent in Sóller market.

I asked in my broken Spanish whether I could take his shot.
And I guessed he said yes. But he may have said anything.
'How much for the car?'
'Who told you that top goes with those jeans?'
'Go away, I'm a look out for the bank robbery that's taking place across the plaza.'

Well, it's been a lovely holiday.
And the knackered old swimming cossie won out out over the new underwired hold em up tanktini and funky polka dot swimming shorts. My poor boob just couldn't handle those wires. I have just noticed my old cossie has got very raggy and a bit holey around the vaginal area. Oops. Sorry LeeAnne.
Blimey. No-one wants to see that in their holiday snaps.

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