Scenic Schull

My colleague has unfortunately contracted lyme's decease from a tick bite, with the deer population on the increase with all the conifer plantations on the hills, I think we will hear of a lot more cases of this very nasty illness. She is sensibly taking time off, so it's all go covering the tasks she normally does!
Took a break to have a delicious lunch with friends and took my only blip of the day, Schull, situated on Roaring Water Bay. A very special place for me as it's where I landed in Ireland nineteen years ago tomorrow! My girls were at Secondary school here and many years ago I was the gardener for the 'Gubbeen' artisan cheese makers. More recently I worked at Roaring Water Wholefood Shop, which has subsequently become my own business for the past three years, my youngest daughter Rachel has had a Saturday job at the shop for the last year.

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