love your loved ones...

...'cuz you never know

how long you'll have them with you

today marks the 1 year anniversary of my dear sisters death - i can't believe a full year has passed already - and i am still filled with grief

it hasn't gotten any easier for me - losing my best friend and sister has been - one of the most difficult things ever - in my life even though i know and understand she - is in a better place, dancing with angels - singing before abba father's throne of grace - because that means i am left behind - i know that sounds somewhat selfish - it's just grief talking but still

periodically things happen to remind me of cathy - which catches me off guard and i have to remind myself she's gone - since i find myself reaching for the phone to call her - i only long to hear her voice one more time - silly yet real - that's how it is when caught up in the snare of grief

my oldest brother and his wife are coming for a visit today - we will reminisce - tell stories and laugh about our silly oldest sister - it will be good to be with family on this special day - not be alone to wallow by myself - to tell each other how we love one another - be sure to do that with your precious individuals in your own lives - because that's what matters - simple things like love lead to...


happy day.....

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