twinned with trumpton


After an IT fault (probably due to the hardware being sopping wet from the monsoon on the way home the previous evening), it was out into a steady day in really pleasant weather. Perfect for racking up 71km in the line of duty. After a quick hunt around the 'hood, it was off into Gorgie and surrounding area; and then this (from my Facebook feed)
""I despair
Drivers. ...
So a Merc (obv) swings out a side street. Right across. As if to make matters worse it then tries to park leaving me nowhere to go but into the kerb.
Oblivious when I appear by his window, so he is.
Opens the door with phone in hand.
"You had me off my bike back there!"
"Sorry I never saw you. I was on my phone"
"Er maybe that's why there's a law against driving with a phone in your hand?"
"Ah but I was looking for an address...."
And that makes it OK how???"

I wound my way steadily eastwards all the way to the county line; snapping away in the decent weather; a sit and ponder on the seafront of Porty and then back into Leith (new Cigs x 2) and the new town. 

My final call was Elm Row; I was early. I waited. I waited some more. Eventually the office called; the eprson that booked it for me got the worng address; the person was waiting at the correct address back off Dalry Road. A speedy sprint up Leith Street and along Princes St and I was done. Home to make a phone call and straight back out again to meet her.

Pomegranate. I had a voucher which I got as a birthday present - and an enjoyable couple of hours watching the evening ebb into night with a glass or tow of wine. I walked her home, pecked her on the cheek and headed off into the night. Passing countless bars with expectant tartan clad gentlemen, chewing their fingernails.

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