Brave Blue World

By OlliEcological


First blip with the new camera.

Had a committee meeting at the cricket club tonight which didn't leave much time for sorting something decent (only got the the camera at half-six - meeting at seven).

Not to worry - it's nice to have a familiar thing back in my hands (fnaaar fnaaar, oink oink etc, etc). It's a shame I didn't have the fucking brains to sort out the D3200 or D5100 (or even the D7000) when the claim went in, but do you know what? Bollocks. I'm happy to work on seeing what's good and then taking a picture as opposed to taking a million pictures and finding what's good.

Besides, the Canon and the new lenses (the 300mm f2.8 goes back to the owner this weekend) will keep me pig-in-shit-wise for the foreseeable.

Buenos nochas amigos.

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