Frustrated Artist

By Apothecary7

Scotland's Secret Bunker

What a fascinating place to visit so a big thank you to fellow blippers who suggested visiting here.
I have put up in my extras some of the images from here.
Quite a haunting place and we had the opportunity to see the thought provoking film The War Game.
The War Game is a 1965 television drama, filmed in a documentary style, that depicts a nuclear war. Written, directed, and produced by Peter Watkins for the BBC's The Wednesday Play anthology series, it caused dismay within the BBC and also within government, and was withdrawn before the provisional screening date of Thursday 7 October 1965.[1] The corporation said that "the effect of the film has been judged by the BBC to be too horrifying for the medium of broadcasting. It will, however, be shown to invited audiences..."[2]
Despite this decision, it was publicly screened and shown abroad, winning the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in 1966.[3]
The film was eventually broadcast on 31 July 1985 on the BBC, during the week before the fortieth anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing, the day before a repeat screening of Threads.[4]

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