Flying Scotsman!

It was Relay Day at the Junior Home Internationals in teams of three: one 14 year old, one 16 year old and one 18 year old.  We were high up on Llechweddgain Common with fabulous views (when the cloud lifted!) of the Rhinog mountains across the valley.

The assembly area was on top of a large hill which afforded great view of the action as the athletes ran from control to control across the moorland in front and around us.  Unfortunately, this also meant that the youngsters had a steep uphill climb to the handover which taxed the best of them.  This 14 year old from Scotland gave his all but only had enough energy left at the top to launch himself at his 18 year old teammate for the vital touch, fantastic!  Today was full of such excitement and thrills with sprint finishes (yes uphill!) and the tension of seeing far distant competitors miss controls.  A great end to another excellent weekend of competition!  And now I have 2000+ photos to sort!

Can you spot Tony?!

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