East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber


After the beauty and brilliance of Italy I'm finding it hard to get my Blip mojo back - everything here looks so dull and boring by comparision - I guess it must be still post holiday blues (or probably that it is really dull and boring here)!! Anyway, despite the cold and blustery southerly I ventured into the beach to try and get a blip. Nothing very interesting presented itself I'm afraid.
On other matters, I spent considerable time today trying to download a 30 day Trial version of Photoshop Elements to enable me to remove the dreaded black spots from my Italy photos. I then spent ages trying to work out how to transfer my photos to it -managed to transfer one first up and thought all was good....... but not one more!!! I hate to let these things beat me but I have conceded defeat and am now drinking some bubbly to commiserate with myself- kidz have returned to Brisbane and the house is very quiet as A is off on a fishing adventure.

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