annus horribilis 2017

It's only October but so far not good for things official.
The German words in collage translate as:)  .
"we are pleased to present you with the last building block for a secure and carefree handling of your new credit card "

This last building block was the pin number and yet a 3rd card had gone AWOL .Off to the bank where the assistant was very rude .I must go back on Thursday for an appointment . The missing card was duly blocked after much moaning on her part . I asked could it be reordered and sent at my expense by courier to my flat .Answer 'no' Fear the Post may have a sticky fingered person  After calling the bank in Frankfurt  HQ I made an official complaint Only then was another card ordered pre - appointment To come by post though.Tomorrow I go to the manager at Post Office and then to the Police ..Have spoken to the latter and they suggested a) the bank hold new card for me or b) use a courier . Seems two of us have sense .

2017 has been a bad year for Berlin .
1) Kaisers Supermarket gone, 2) Berliner Bank gone 3) Air Berlin gone, 4) Soon they will do their best to shut TXL.
To give you some idea I was informed by one at the bank that even if 100 cards go missing  they will not send by courier . For Berlin ( the joke of the world , think BER) last building block is a poor choice of words 

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