Busy Day

Oh my, I am exhausted! It's been such a busy day. I've spent all day, well 11 until 4, learning how to do photoshop! I found it soooo complicated at first even though we were just doing the basics! I think I have the hang of it now. I hope so anyway!! I will practise on Friday when I have a day of doing nothing :)

I met up with my friend Nikki outside St Nick's church in Yarmouth and she took me to the old cemetary which was fab! As well as lots of old graves (obviously), there were loads of squirrels. They are quite tame too apperently and will often eat out of your hand :) Guess where I'm taking Arwen on Saturday :D :D

This grave was partially hidden in amongst some bushes and just caught our eye as we walked past. The girl is holding a flower and the vase has fake flowers made out of a metal I think. She died in 1908. Sad :(

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