Wide Barge

I find this the hardest time of year to motivate myself to exercise. By the time I am back from work now it is dark already and I've never been a great one for running first thing, not seriously anyway. When I run on the moor in the morning it is usually more about photography these days than training. To compound things I've also picked up a bit of a calf niggle, and found myself in the thrall of a wonderful novel (more on that when I've finished it) which has made the train a much more attractive option in recent days than the bike! I've got to come up with a plan!!

It's been an extremely busy day at the office. There is so much going on at the moment. I think there is likely to be quite a few canal blips over the coming weeks as there is going to be little other opportunity for photographs other than on my morning walk to work. This was a rather colourful scene today, and all the better for the fact that it was clearly cold enough on board to warrant lighting the stove.

PS The original Lumix, through which my first year's worth of blips were shot, is now in action in Argentina. Roam has posted a few great shots from around Buenos Aires, starting here.

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