If all else fails...

....there is always a self-portrait. So here I am, especially for Dd in Cairo, in Mum's Hotel place about to order some food at 22.12 hours having been on the go without any since I last sat in here with a coffee and small Spanish ham sandwich at 07:15 hours this morning. In amongst other meetings, I managed to view 18 IESE MBA students telling stories, lead feedback sessions on them and write up reports on every one, grading them all A, B and C on a forced curve scale - no matter how good they all are, the bottom 10% will always get a C. Some were great and some were frankly awful which made the C allocation easier. The highlight was one of my trainees being selected to tell his story in the full class of seventy of his peers. He shared how he had overcame a speech impediment (which had made him unintelligible to anyone until the age of nine) to deliver a speech to a thousand people at his graduation ceremony including how he had been frozen by fear at the dress rehearsal. The applause he received built into richly deserved desk thumping, whistling and cheers. Job done!

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