Dogs Days


Is this your vehicle sir?

I had a bit more leisurely start today, not up so early. I accompanied my Human when he used my pick up to go to the supermarket and get sugar for the bees. My Human keeps honey bees and when you take their honey off them you have to substitute
it with a sugary mixture that they eat instead.

The blip today is of a very smart collie with his co-pilot another collie. Yodi was very impressed when he saw them in North Berwick High Street. He thinks he might get his license so that when he retires he can maybe drive taxi's to make some money. He's heard of some of his retired Human colleagues doing this and thinks he could do it too. I told him his human would look after him in return for all the years he looked after her, but he's quite independent you know. He'll always be my hero, Luv Ginnie Xx.

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